The 64th World Science Fiction Convention (Worldcon)
Anaheim California
August 23 - 27, 2006
MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive

Saturday Autograph sessions

Laura Anne Gilman, Karen Anderson
Laura Anne Gilman, Karen Anderson

P.C. Hodgell
P.C. Hodgell

George R. R. Martin
George R. R. Martin

Mike Demeritt, Shelia Demeritt
Mike Demeritt, Shelia Demeritt

Lisa Goldstein
Lisa Goldstein

Lydia van Vogt, Brad Linaweaver
Lydia van Vogt, Brad Linaweaver

64th WorldCon Photo Home   Facilities & Exhibits   Exhibits
Opening Ceremony 1   Opening Ceremony 2   Opening Ceremony 3   Wednesday   Thursday
Friday Signings 1   Friday Signings 2   Friday Signings 3   Hollywood at Worldcon
Friday Panels 1   Friday Panels 2   Friday Panels 3   Friday Panels 4
Around the con 1   Around the con 2   Around the con 3   Around the con 4   Friday parties
Masquerade 1   Masquerade 2   Masquerade 3   Masquerade 4   Masquerade 5   Masquerade 6
Saturday Signings 1   Saturday Signings 2   Saturday Panels 1   Saturday Panels 2
Around the con 5   Around the con 6   Pre-Hugos 1    Pre-Hugos 2   Pre-Hugos 3   Pre-Hugos 4
Hugos 1   Hugos 2   Hugos 3   Hugos 4   Hugos 5   Hugos 6   Hugos 7
Saturday parties 1   Saturday parties 2   Saturday parties 3   Saturday parties 4

MidAmerican Fan Photo Archive

Copyright  2006 by Keith Stokes.